H'ability presents the new version of its platform for optimized rehabilitation

Discover H'ability 2.0: A new era of precision

The entire H'ability team is proud to unveil version 2.0 of its interface dedicated to rehabilitation. The fruit of close collaboration with our partners the Hopale Foundation's Centre Jacques Calvé, the CRRF COS Pasteur 2, the CHU d'Angers and the CRF les Capucins, H'ability 2.0 represents a significant advance in therapeutic practices and patient support.

Using VR to improve balance disorders

During rehabilitation, pain management is a major challenge for patients and healthcare professionals. Opioids, drugs that act on the areas of the brain responsible for pain control, are often prescribed in PRM care to help control pain. However, their excessive use can lead to undesirable side effects or addiction. Thus, virtual reality is emerging as an innovative solution to help reduce the use of opioids in adults suffering from chronic and acute pain.

Reducing opioid use during PRM care with virtual reality

During rehabilitation, pain management is a major challenge for patients and healthcare professionals. Opioids, drugs that act on the areas of the brain responsible for pain control, are often prescribed in PRM care to help control pain. However, their excessive use can lead to undesirable side effects or addiction. Thus, virtual reality is emerging as an innovative solution to help reduce the use of opioids in adults suffering from chronic and acute pain.

The benefits of gamification and serious games for rehabilitation

Contrary to a video game where we are looking for entertainment, serious games combine a playful dimension with a serious and concrete objective (here: motor and neurological rehabilitation). Present in many fields in order to facilitate learning, serious games are revolutionizing the health sector by being defined as real therapeutic tools with an educational purpose. Indeed, they give the impression of playing, while in reality they make the patients work. They are not perceived as a physical, repetitive and complex activity, and this is what will motivate patients to rehabilitate themselves in a gamified way.

The evolution of VR in the medical sector

For a few years now, virtual reality has imposed itself in the health field with the objective of facilitating training for health professionals, but also to innovate in terms of rehabilitation techniques for patients. Originally, VR was not intended for the medical field. While virtual reality began to emerge in the 1960s with a first concept of headset, it is in the 1990s that we begin to think about its use in medicine.

What are the differences between virtual, augmented and mixed reality?

Nowadays, many professionals and companies use the terms virtual, augmented and mixed reality, which shows an impressive evolution in technology. However, these three technologies are more or less recent and are often still misunderstood. They tend to be confused and misinterpreted. How to recognize these three terms in order to differentiate them correctly, and thus better understand how they work? Let's discover how imagination and reality mix in the professional world!