Virtual Reality
for Rehabilitation

Motivation, gamification and efficiency with our cable-free technology, controller-free, without constraints!

Virtual Reality
for Rehabilitation

Motivation, gamification and efficiency with our cable-free technology, controller-free, without constraints!

Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation

Motivation, gamification and efficiency with our cable-free technology, controller-free, without constraints!

Visual of the H'ability device with patient doing the Boxing rehabilitation exercise
Patient with H'ability VR headset in rehabilitation session (Supermarket)


Why VR in rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is a constantly evolving field, where every innovation can significantly quality of life for patients, as well as the therapies offered by rehabilitation professionals.

Among these advances, immersive virtual reality stands out as a cutting-edge solution for physiotherapy and occupational therapy. It offers possibilities with a safe, fun approach to :

  • Fighting kinesiophobia
  • Engaging patients in their sessions
  • Customize sessions
  • Renmotor skills


Our rehabilitation equipment

H'ability is a medical device virtual reality medical device with :

  • A extensive catalog of fun and configurable
  • The ability to create customized sessions
  • A patient follow-up to measure progress over the course of sessions
  • A quick installation and easy to use
  • Unique controller-free VR interaction
  • All in a compact, ultra-portable solution
Visual of H'ability physiotherapy equipment: tablet, VR headset and storage case


What they think

They trust us


Multiple therapeutic indications

A single solution for many pathologies:

  • Neurology
  • Traumatology
  • Orthopedics
  • Rheumatology
  • Geriatrics
  • Vestibular
Patient performing the "Enchanted Forest" VR exercise on a balloon

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